The Mediterranean bank, one of the few areas of the garden with good drainage, features verbascum, catmint, penstemons, Stachys byzantina, fennel, Lobelia tupa and Asphodeline lutea with painted oil tank behind by Tim Hobson. Private garden, Dorset, UK
Photograph ID: drake_32958
Author: Carole Drake
2009 Carole Drake
Photograph size: 10.0 Mpixels (28.7 MB uncompressed) - 3872x2592 pixels (12.9x8.6 in / 32.8x21.9 cm at 300 ppi)
Photograph keywords: Asphodeline lutea, catmint, Dorset, fennel, garden, June, Lobelia tupa, Mediterranean, oil tank, painting, penstemon, Stachys byzantina, summer, UK, verbascum